Can Breast Implants Give Me More Cleavage?
Can Breast Implants Give Me More Cleavage? Many patients, when asked why they’re interested in breast implants, say they want more cleavage. The volume, shape, and projection of the upper part of the breast - known as the “upper pole” - can be improved with a breast...
FAQ: “Can I Have Breast Implant Surgery Before Having Children?”
FAQ: “Can I Have Breast Implant Surgery Before Having Children?” Dr. Capizzi often sees women who opt for breast augmentation surgery after their families are complete. With no additional pregnancies planned and nursing days (and nights) behind them, many Charlotte...
7 Things You Need to Know About the HALO Laser Treatment
The HALO Laser is an amazing treatment that can address many skin concerns without the disadvantage of extended recovery time. HALO combats fine lines, pigmentation, and more that are a result of aging and sun exposure. This is one of our most recommended treatments...
Tummy Tuck: mini vs. standard
Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a safe and effective procedure to reduce excess stomach fat, tone sagging skin, and refine laxity in the abdominal wall for both men and women. Tummy tucks are popular with patients seeking a Mommy Makeover, but...
Therapeutic Lymphatic Massage: Using Ultrasound to Speed Recovery After Surgery
The therapeutic lymphatic massage is an integral part of Dr. Capizzi’s Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program. The ERAS program encourages an accelerated, more comfortable recovery process. Dr. Capizzi began developing this recovery program 20 years ago....
MicroLaser Peel vs. BBL
Many of the skincare treatments at Capizzi MD address common skin concerns like anti-aging, sun damage, acne, scars, and hyperpigmentation. While we love a multi-step skincare routine, it can be more beneficial to pair products with a treatment. Laser treatments like...
Types of Liposuction: Ultrasonic & Power-Assisted
When it comes to cosmetic surgery, there are some procedures that are totally unfamiliar. You may hear the word “blepharoplasty” and never assume it refers to removing excess skin on the upper eyelid (that contributes to the “hooded” look). Liposuction, though, is...
Breast Reduction – Insurance vs. Cosmetic Surgery
A breast reduction can be life-changing, alleviating years of physical pain and strain on the neck, back, shoulders, legs, and even hips. Many women suffer from having large breasts and this procedure is a viable solution. This procedure can also remedy fatigue and...
When patients decide they’re interested in a breast augmentation, they begin to research the different sizes, procedures, and implants. The most popular type of augmentation is the placement of silicone breast implants. But what about an augmentation WITHOUT implants?...
Capsular Contracture: What is it and Why Does it Happen?
Capsular contracture is a condition often mentioned when discussing breast augmentations. A “capsule” refers to the formation of scar tissue around any kind of implant - not breast implants alone. This is a normal part of the healing process. Our bodies react to any...