After Breast Surgery Must Haves
So, you’ve booked your breast surgery, prepped the guest room for your recovery queen self, and mentally prepared for some post-op pampering. But wait! Before you dive headfirst into Netflix marathons and endless cups of tea, there are few breast essentials you’ll...Capsuloraphy vs. Capsulectomy
Capsuloraphy and capsulectomy are two surgical procedures commonly used in breast revision surgery. These procedures help to reshape the breast capsule, which is the tissue that surrounds the implant, to improve the aesthetic outcome of a breast augmentation or...Breast Revisions Are Becoming More Common
As we age, breasts (with or without implants) change in shape and size. Desire for a change in shape and size is one of the most popular reasons for having a breast revision. Maybe you had an augmentation before having children and your breasts have changed in shape...The Internal Bra: Enhancing Support For Breast Implants
Many factors go into a patients’ decision to have a breast augmentation. The most common issue plaguing patients is a general lack of breast volume, which can be from many things! Some patients have had children and breastfed, some have undergone dramatic weight loss,...What’s New In Breast Augmentation? Part 3: Galaflex
Galaflex is a new, dissolvable suture that is knitted like fabric and can be draped over a breast or used in a shape like a breast cup for support.