As we age, breasts (with or without implants) change in shape and size. Desire for a change in shape and size is one of the most popular reasons for having a breast revision. Maybe you had an augmentation before having children and your breasts have changed in shape and size with pregnancy and nursing. Or perhaps you are experiencing some changes in appearance such as rippling, sagging, or rupture, that can sometimes occur with older implants.

“Upgrade your implants and fall in love with your breasts all over again.”
– Peter Capizzi, MD

A common misconception is that breast implants need to be exchanged every 10 years. The surgeons at Capizzi MD stress that with the advancement in implant technology and continued monitoring, implant revisions do not need to happen on a set timetable and can be up to the discretion of the patient. So, if you are beginning to consider a revision, seek out an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to build a personalized treatment plan with your goals in mind. It is important to remember that additional procedures such as a breast lift or placement of internal mesh may be used in concert with an implant revision to ensure you have the best possible results for years to come.

What is a Capsulectomy?

A capsulectomy is a procedure that is performed to remove the capsule, or naturally occurring tissue pocket, around an implant. This is required in revisions involving a rupture. Always refer to the guidance of a qualified plastic surgeon for the procedures they would recommend. A capsulectomy is not a good choice for everyone and in many cases utilizing an existing capsule is a preferred option.

Why do we recommend Sientra HSC+ gummy bear implants for revisions?

Sientra implants come in two fill types: HSC and HSC+. The HSC+ boasts a higher level of cohesiveness and improved gel-to-shell ratio that aids in those implants being linked to less complications (rippling, capsular contracture, rupture, breast asymmetry) than any other gummy bear implant available in the US. With revision cases, the surgeons at Capizzi MD recommend these HSC+ implants to ensure an additional procedure isn’t needed down the road.

One of the most popular patient goals are full, perky breasts. Over time, skin and tissue can thin and begin to fail to support breast tissue and implants. The most commonly cited reason for a secondary breast procedure is a recurrence of soft tissue weakness. Absorbable internal mesh can be a solution that, when used by expert surgeons, can create, and maintain beautiful results.

“Internal mesh has been a game changer for delivering the best care to my patients and reducing the need for revisions.”
– Dr. Brain May

The internal mesh that we prefer consists of bioabsorbable polymers that dissolve naturally over a period of 18-24 months. This added support during the healing process allows the skin and tissue to develop a matrix of collagen and elastin that is up to 5 times stronger than native tissue.

Why We Recommend an Internal Mesh Bra for Implant Exchanges

Through the use of mesh, your surgeon is able to proactively prevent the need for an implant revision when a patient desires larger implants or has existing concerns from a previous surgery.

Here are some of the most common concerns mesh can fix:

“Bottoming Out”:
When an implant drops below the inframammary fold, resulting in “stargazing” nipples.

“Double Bubble”:
When the implant size or diameter is greater than the breast itself, resulting in the recognizable “double bubble” appearance.

Implant malposition:
Used to describe when an implant slips laterally to the side (often when laying down). This can also create a gap in the middle of the chest.

Why was I recommended mesh with larger implants?

A breast lift (aka mastopexy) is the only way to reposition your breasts, and can typically be done using short-scar techniques, so that your scars are smaller and less noticeable. The goal of this procedure is to elevate your nipples and areola higher on your breast mound, as well as tighten any loose skin.

“On the day of surgery, I will mark on your breasts where your incision will be made before anesthesia is administered. During the procedure, I will make one of these incisions, depending on the degree of excess skin and how much lifting needs to be done. I will lift and reshape the tissue to give a natural look.”

There are several types of breast lifts that your cosmetic surgeon can perform, the most common one being a “Mini Lift” (also called a “Benelli Lift”). Some other names for this type of surgery you may have heard are periareolar lift, minimal circumareolar lift, donut lift or tacking. The Benelli Lift leaves the fewest scars, and is often the best choice for a patient who is undergoing breast augmentation at the same time. This lift is also for one whose breast sagging is less pronounced. During this mastopexy, the doctor makes an incision around the outside of the areola. Then, excess tissue is removed and the nipple areola complex is moved 1-2 cm up or down.

Most often, this is where a Mini Lift is used:

  1. To reduce the size of the areola so that the addition of volume does not also emphasize the size of the areola. The last thing a patient desires is an areola that is hanging off of a perky implant.
  2. To realign an areola to be pointing straight ahead. This applies when a nipple may be slightly off-center.
  3. Small amount of tightening of the breast skin and small removal of excess tissue.

In cases where the breasts are severely sagging with the areola falling below the crease, your surgeon may recommend a traditional, full mastopexy. In this type of breast lift, the nipple can be elevated up to 8 cm or more, depending on the desired final result. An incision in the shape of an upside-down “T” is created, extending from the outer boundary of the areola, then downwards and across the breast crease, aligning with the body’s natural curvature. As with the Benelli Lift, excess tissue is then removed and the nipple is raised to a more appealing location. Our surgeons’ skill and experience with breast lift procedures ensure that nipple sensation remains intact. With this type of lift, future breast-feeding remains an option for those who have not given birth.

With a combined thirty years experience in cosmetic surgery, the team at Capizzi MD has performed thousands of successful breast revisions. Our surgeons are well versed in facilitating the reversal of subpar breast surgeries and correcting flaws of less qualified surgeons. They are dedicated to restoring client confidence in their appearance and committed to setting the patient back on track towards their original aesthetic goals.

Thinking of a breast revision? Or considering a new size or type of implant? Call our office at 704-655-8988 to speak with a member of our team and get more information on pricing, and recovery, or schedule your consultation appointment.