Don’t today’s moms seem hipper, smarter and more svelte than ever before? We love our kids, absolutely, but we don’t want to recall our pre-childbearing shape as a distant, gone-forever memory. Progressive moms look to Dr. Capizzi for what’s come to be known as the Mommy Makeover. In the past ten years since Dr. Capizzi founded Stillwater Plastic Surgery, the Mommy Makeover has become a popular procedure. That’s why it has earned the number six spot on the doctor’s list of the decade’s most important trends. Read on …

Today's moms: committed to being their best selves (even after the baby comes).

Today’s moms: committed to being their best selves (even after the baby comes).

#6 MOMMY MAKEOVER – “After lauding the benefits of mind-body practices like yoga, I will admit there is a limit to what can be accomplished through exercise. Especially for moms. The concept of the Mommy Makeover has taken root over the last ten years. At Stillwater, it’s a combination of breast surgery and body contouring personalized for the unique needs of each woman. Usually the tightening of Pilates-resistant loose abdominal skin and fat, as well as muscle tightening, is required. Breast implant surgery – sometimes in concert with a breast lift – can restore and actually improve upon a post-pregnancy shape.” Dr. Peter J. Capizzi