The annual American Society of Plastic Surgeons conference was held earlier this month in San Diego

It happens just once a year. Plastic Surgeons from all over America (and abroad) attend the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) conference to hone their craft and learn about new advances in the art and science of plastic surgery.  This year the must-attend ASPS conference featured our very own Dr. Capizzi on the national podium. (Not once, but twice! Stay tuned for more.) According to Dr. Capizzi, the conference was energizing and informative. The Capizzi MD Cosmetic Surgery blog editors caught up with him to ask about his three top take-homes from the meeting – with a focus on what a high-level national conference means to local patients here in Charlotte. Fasten your seatbelts and read on ….

#1 Not All Implants Are Equal: It’s A Fact

First, Dr. Capizzi presented two papers on round and shaped textured Gummy Bear implants made by medical manufacturer Sientra. Over 5,000 implant medical cases were reviewed over the course of this 5-year study. Dr. Capizzi is among an elite group of surgeons authoring the study and the only one in the Charlotte area. Capsular contraction is an abnormal immune response to a breast implant. The condition occurs when dense collagen fibers tighten and squeeze the breast implant. It can be painful and distorting. The new studies, which Dr. Capizzi presented, clearly show that the lowest capsular contraction rate is achieved with textured, submuscular implant placement. Regular blog readers know that Dr. Capizzi has sounded an alarm, warning women of media buzz surrounding subfascial implant placement. These clinical studies show the incidence of capsular contraction is seven times greater with subfascial and subglandular placement. This is a compelling medical fact base supporting the preeminence of round and shaped textured Gummy Bear implants. The findings presented at the conference will also be published in The Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in November. This publication is the “bible” for plastic surgeons. Dr. Capizzi is a coauthor. You won’t find this journal at Barnes & Noble, but rest assured every credible plastic surgeon in America reads it with care.

#2 Capsular Contraction: It’s The Beginning of the End

Peter Capizzi in conferenceCapsular contraction, the most common implant malfunction, can be eliminated – with new implant technology and an expert surgeon. This is amazing news. The data supporting this, presented by Dr. Peter Capizzi and a team of national experts, is so compelling that Sientra, the maker of this high-performing implant, has announced a two-year warranty against capsular contraction in first-time augmentation patients. One caveat: this superior Sientra implant is only available to qualified, board-certified plastic surgeons that meet the company’s strict training criteria. Dr. Capizzi is primary among this group in Charlotte. And, there’s additional good news. Effective immediately, Dr. Capizzi will offer a guarantee in concert with Sientra. Should an incidence of capsular contraction occur in a primary breast augmentation within two years of surgery, Dr. Capizzi will waive additional surgical fees associated with breast revision surgery. The unprecedented warranty is specific to grade 3 or 4 capsular contracture, the most common. Medical guarantees are a bit unusual. For your patients, this means peace of mind and no out-of-pocket expense for issues related to capsular contraction.

#3 Exceptional New Dermal Filler About to Enter Marketplace

Dr. Capizzi and his team of nurse injectors have been watching the development of a new dermal filler from medical manufacturer and pharmaceutical company Allergan. Readers will certainly be familiar with other Allergan products like BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM®. Good medicine is all about improvement and iteration. Research is the lifeblood of science of anti-aging. Allergan’s newest innovation, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA®, was approved by the FDA last week. Capizzi MD Plastic Surgery will be among the first to offer it in Charlotte. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® is cheek filler, offering greater, longer-lasting volume than even JUVÉDERM®. BOTOX® revolutionized the way we tackle frown lines. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® may do the same, fighting gravity and restoring contoured cheekbone profile.

Welcome home, Dr. Capizzi. Your team here at Capizzi MD Cosmetic Surgery loves to see you in the national spotlight, but we like your leadership even better when it comes directly from our Charlotte, NC office. And, we think patients agree!