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Rejuvapen or “micro needling”, is one of the top trending skincare treatments of 2016. It’s a quick and easy procedure that gives you amazing results, and leaves you with glowing, healthy skin.

Micro Needling rose to popularity in the 1990’s and is used for a number of purposes including anti aging. This procedure used to be performed with a larger derma roller tool, but with advancements, now is done with a pen that creates pain-free pinpricks in your skin which act as a microchannel into the epidermis.

Before your treatment, a numbing cream is applied so you will have minimal discomfort. When these tiny holes are formed on your skin’s surface, it tricks your brain into thinking you’ve had trauma and goes into instant “repair” mode by producing collagen and elastin to repair the tiny holes just created.

Benefits Of Rejuvapen Treatment

♦ Minimizes pore size
♦ Reduces fine lines & wrinkles
♦ Lifts & tightens skin
♦ Improves appearance of scars and acne scarring
♦Leaves skin with a natural and youthful glow

Rejuvapen is great because it’s a wonderful alternative to other treatments like the BBL Laser or chemical peels,  it is not harsh on the skin, so even people with sensitive skin can have it done, and you notice a difference the next day.

What you can expect from Rejuvapen

♦ You will be red the day of the treatment and slightly red the day after. Mild peeling will occur about 3 days after the treatment, but using one of our skincare products, Hyalis helps keep your skin hydrated and cuts down on peeling.
♦ It will feel like you’ve had a bad sunburn, but that sensation goes away by the next morning.
♦ You are able to wear light makeup the day after. We recommend using our Revision Intellishade Tinted Moisturizers. They contain an SPF, provide coverage, and won’t clog pores or irritate your skin.

Typically, 3-5 treatments every 4 weeks is needed to see full results, but everyone’s skin type is different, so come in for a complimentary consultation with our Licensed Aesthetician so she can design the best skincare plan for you!