Rejuvapen is offered at Stillwater's Myers Park office

Rejuvapen is offered at Stillwater’s Myers Park office

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. With a new product called Rejuvapen in our arsenal of anti-aging weapons, at Stillwater, we are tending to agree.

Stillwater is among the first practices in the Charlotte area to offer Rejuvapen. (We like to lead!) It’s quite the buzz. Rejuvapen Therapy is a new micro-needling treatment that helps repair skin from the inside out. This fast (think one hour or less) and effective therapy is designed to treat a wide range of skin issues from sagging skin and wrinkles, to sunspots and acne scars. If you find yourself plagued with skin irregularities like these, Rejuvapen might be the solution.

Dr. Capizzi advises a consultation with one of his team to see if Rejuvapen is right for you

Dr. Capizzi advises a consultation with one of his team to see if Rejuvapen is right for you

How does Rejuvapen work? Rejuvapen Therapy uses micro-needles to perforate the epidermis and the top layer of the dermis, which stimulates skin repair (including collagen production) in a natural way. The end result is visibly improved skin, with fewer wrinkles, fine lines, and smaller pores. The entire process is non-invasive, with no downtime. Similarly, any tenderness or ‘pinkness’ is typically gone within 24 hours.

Are you a candidate for Rejuvapen Therapy? Suitable for men and women alike, Rejuvapen works on nearly all skin types and colors. It’s effective for treating a wide range of skin issues, too, such as:

  1. Large pores
  2. Deep wrinkles
  3. Sagging skin on face or neck
  4. Sun spots
  5. Acne scars
  6. Fine lines
  7. Sun-damaged (course) skin

Fortunately, if you’re not a fan of crow’s feet, furrows, teenage scars (of the acne variety), Stillwater offers solutions (and real results) via Rejuvapen Therapy. As for your next step, it’s simple. Schedule a consultation with one of our expertly trained aestheticians. We get it that know that one size, or treatment plan, doesn’t fit all. It’s our passion and our pleasure to assess your needs and determine an effective treatment plan – individual and just right for you.